MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The Future of Mini Season has Arrived

On December 12, 2009 I had a vision, an epiphany if you will. For over five months I have been working on my top secret project (along with a few trusted insiders) that will reinvent the mini season game. I am proud to announce that today my vision has finally come to life.

My masterpiece will be unveiled at this year's mini season and I promise it will be well worth the hype. It will strike fear into the hearts of lobsters and envy into the hearts of all others.

This project has been a labor of love and dedication to every detail. If I am remembered for anything in life, it might just be this. So stick around because on July 28th lobster hunting will be changed forever.


  1. Still won't be able to ensnare the Ghost though. In fact, with such a bold pronouncement, you my friend are likely to have a target, ne! a bounty on your head. If I were you, I would think twice about carelessly exploring any blind holes during miniseason and watch out for falling debris when hunting under the bridge that shall not be named for confidentiality purposes. Don't think your over-produced schlock video has not been leaked to the Ghost Lobster or that it is too busy sticking its middle antenna up at BP and the Federal Government to do something about your little epiphany. It is out there, it is everywhere.

  2. While the Ghost Lobster will remain as wily and cunning as ever, this year will mark the date that he realizes his days are numbered. He will know that we will not stand idly by nor fade away quietly into the night and he will understand that a new breed of lobster hunter has arrived.

    If that means that I will have a target on my back then so be it. If I must die a martyr that is what I am willing to sacrifice for the greater good.
