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Monday, May 10, 2010


BP Throws Shit Against the Wall, Sees What Sticks

Workers haven’t given up hope on the dome completely. They could possibly use heat to prevent the ice crystals from forming or use methanol. Another solution officials are considering, clogging the leak up with trash. CBS News 9 - Greenville, NC

Really BP? This is your backup plan? You are going to shove a bunch of garbage into the well and hope that it stops the oil flow. I really hope this reporter just made this story up, because this can't be true, right? So courtesy of BP not only will our lobsters be covered in oil but they will all have six pack rings around them. Of course, if I caught one lobster who was attached to five others like a pack of Busch Light I might change my tune. 


  1. Is it possible that BP's engineers received their degrees from Big Mac University?!? Maybe Mike Judge was onto something with "Idiocracy" . . . BP may as well just stick a bunch of birds, seal, shrimp and other marine life directly into the leak, they seem to have absorbed the oil pretty well after the Exxon-Valdez spill.

  2. They got their degrees at Costco. Welcome to Costco, I love you.
