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Monday, May 17, 2010


Catheter is Catching One-Fifth of the Oil

BP Plc said it is capturing 1,000 barrels of oil a day from a mile-long pipeline connected to its leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico, about a fifth of the estimated flow rate.

“We’ll trying to increase that rate, carefully and slowly,” Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production, said today at a press conference in Robert, Louisiana. “If we could get half or more, if we could see this actually recovering 2,000 barrels a day, we would all be extraordinarily pleased.”
Bloomberg Buisnessweek

Seems like this catheter had a lot of hype for such a pathetic result. I mean 20% wouldn't even get me a D- in school. Hopefully they can get the production up to 40% like they are claiming may be possible. Of course these numbers are only accurate if you believe BP's claim that only 5000 gallons per day are leaking. Since they won't allow any independent measurements of the leak the actual amount is probably higher than that. 

Bonus points if you know how this picture of Bruce Willis ties into this blog.

1 comment:

  1. The Bruce Willis picture is either from the FIFTH Element and the relevant post's title includes the term "FIFTH" or, the picture is from Armageddon which, like the BP fuck up, is about a bunch of idiots who are consistently dominated by the complexities of drilling into final frontier-type terrain.

    What is clear, however, is that nobody at BP will be heard yelling "Yippeekayay Motherfucker!" anytime soon.
