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Friday, May 14, 2010


Condom #2 Scratched in Favor of Catheter

Insertion Tube Option by Deepwater Horizon Response.

Engineers worked into early Friday to position a tube at the largest oil leak site in the Gulf of Mexico—the latest effort to curb the crude gushing from a busted underwater well.

The six-inch wide tube, which will fit inside the leaking one and is surrounded by a rubber flap, will be connected to a ship above to siphon off the oil.

A BP spokesman said it should be operational within the next several days. Toronto star

Apparently BP has decided to go in a new direction by holding off on trying to cap the leak with their "top hat" condom. Instead they have chosen to insert a tube into the oil spill's pee-hole and siphon the oil to a tanker on the ocean surface. 

As usually there is no guarantee that this will work, but it is guaranteed to be rather uncomfortable.

Click here for a larger view of BP's latest plan.

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