MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Sunday, May 16, 2010


Some Hope After Second Catheter Attempt Thwarted by Robots

After workers successfully installed the tube, which is like inserting one straw into another, gas found its way to the surface and was flared, showing that tube had successfully funneled gas and some oil from the leak. But then an ROV umbilical line got entangled with the insertion tube and pulled it out of the riser pipe. BP declined to answer questions about the operation, saying that federal officials will provide more information later in the day.

It was a setback for the spill recovery effort, though it shows there is some chance of containing part of the leak in the near future. Washington Post

Despite the failure of this second attempt at least there is now some evidence that it might work. It would have been nice to wake up and see that the mission was a success, but at the rate this thing is going a partial success is better than any other news we have heard. Lets keep our fingers crossed that if there is a third attempt it will go more smoothly.

This story sounds a little fishy to me, I don't want to jump to conclusions here but I am going to guess that ROV was not the sole cause of the tube getting pulled out. This has Ghost Lobster written all over it, and even if the Ghost Lobster did't pull that thing out himself I guarantee you he has the machines working for him by now. I mean those ROVs have been down there plenty long enough for the Ghost Lobster to reprogram them to do his bidding. Don't say we didn't warn you.

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