MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Sunday, May 9, 2010


BP Dome Pwned by Ice Crystals

It could be at least a day before BP can make another attempt at putting a lid on a well spewing thousands of gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico, as a big box meant to siphon the oil away sat idle and encased in ice crystals.

The company's first attempt to divert the oil was foiled, its mission now in serious doubt. Meanwhile, thick blobs of tar washed up on Alabama's white sand beaches, yet another sign the spill was worsening.

It had taken about two weeks to build the box and three days to cart it 50 miles out and slowly lower it to the well a mile below the surface, but the frozen depths were just too much. BP officials were not giving up hopes that a containment box — either the one brought there or another one being built — could cover the well. But they said it could Monday or later before they decide whether to make another attempt to capture the oil and funnel it to a tanker at the surface would be tried.
Associated Press

Well so much for the super dome/funnel, whatever it is. It seemed too good to be true, but I was really hoping it would work. Sucks, but what do you expect, the Ghost Lobster would not let such a diabolical plan be ruined by a pansy ass little metal box, it was just too simple

Anyway, back to the drawing board for BP, they better start to figure this shit out quick because the days are ticking down and this thing is not going away on its own.

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