MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


BP Sucks Twice as Much as They Did Yesterday

BP has reported further progress in stemming a gushing Gulf of Mexico oil spill as concerns grew for Florida's sensitive coral reefs and political fallout from the disaster spread.

The British energy giant, which has been struggling to contain the disaster, said on Tuesday a tube inserted into a leaking oil pipe is now sucking up about 40 per cent of the crude, about twice as much as it did one day earlier.

The company said its "riser insertion tube tool" is estimated to be carrying about 2,000 barrels a day of oil up to the Discoverer Enterprise drill ship on the surface via a mile-long pipe. The Sydney Morning Herald

It appears BP has doubled their sucking today over fears that oil in Key West will upset the gay lobby. I mean the last thing that BP wants is for the gays to turn against them. Its bad enough having a bunch of drunk fishermen and lobster hunters after you, no need to piss off more people. Before you know it Perez Hilton will be blogging about it and the last thing I need is to lose my Pulitzer Prize to that ass-wipe.

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