MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Friday, July 2, 2010


FWC: "No Plans to Modify or Cancel the Mini or Regular Open Seasons"

I just got some good news, straight from one of my inside sources, that the FWC is not currently considering any change to this month's upcoming mini season. By inside sources I mean a couple weeks ago I sent the FWC an inquiry about whether or not there was any concern due to the oil spill and I just received a response from them saying there is nothing to worry about. So, grab your tickle sticks fellow lobstermen cause it's bug killin' time.

After the jump: Full text of the FWC's official response.

Thank you for your inquiry regarding spiny lobster season. Currently, there are no plans to modify or cancel the mini or regular open seasons for spiny lobster in response to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The FWC is considering fishery season and regulation changes on a case by case basis to ensure that they will benefit Floridians without damaging Florida’s saltwater resources.

For up-to-date information about oil spill impacts in Florida, including areas closed to fishing and modified fishing regulations, please visit:

Again, thank you for your comments.

Martha Bademan
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Division of Marine Fisheries Management
2590 Executive Center Circle E, Suite 201
Tallahassee, FL 32301


  1. No, thank you, Martha. And we look forward to expressing our gratitude to FWC in person upon being boarded this later this month.

  2. I agree. I hope I see Martha while we are out there. There is no doubt we are boarded again, and filmed. If Martha is on board she is getting a beer on us
