MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Friday, April 23, 2010


Needle fishing is a mini season tradition that started in 2008 when we decided to attempt bully netting for the first time. Since we had, and still have, no idea how to bully net our excursion was not going so well. As we were trolling the bay we realized that needle fish seemed to be attracted to our underwater light and out of sheer boredom it didn't take long for us to start trying to catch them. Before you knew it this had turned into a competition of who could be the first to catch one of those slippery darts.

Don't be fooled, catching needle fish is no easy task. We have been trying for the last two years to catch a needle fish and have come up empty handed. Now I know what you are thinking.... "I just Googled needle fish and there are pictures of people holding them, it can't be that hard"... well I'll bet the farm they didn't catch those needle fish by hand! Thats right if you are not needle fishing by hand you are not needle fishing.

Although we are yet to actually get a needle fish onto our boat here are a few tips for anyone who wants to try and out do us:

1. The needle fish love figure eights, shining the light in a figure eight pattern will attract them.

2. Be patient, do not scare them by prematurely motioning towards the water.

3. You need to lead the needle fish, they are quick so strike in front of where you think they will be.

4. Needle fish taste delicious, and I will prove it when we finally catch one.

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