MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Monday, May 17, 2010


BP Catheter  Working Just in Time for Oil to Enter Loop Current

Oil company engineers on Sunday finally succeeded in keeping some of the oil gushing from a blown well out of the Gulf of Mexico, hooking up a mile-long tube to funnel the crude into a tanker ship after more than three weeks of failures.

Millions of gallons of crude are already in the water, however, and researchers said the black ooze may have entered a major current that could carry it through the Florida Keys and around to the East Coast.
Associated Press

One step forward, two steps back. The leak appears to be slightly under control, unfortunately the oil may already be in the Loop Current, which means it could be headed for the Keys. At this point it appears any oil that may have entered the current is probably minimal and hopefully controllable. I'm not sure what percentage of the oil is being contained but some is better than nothing. 

Hey, if nothing else at least this lucky pelican got a bath from a couple of lesbians. What I wouldn't give to be a bird covered in oil right now.

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