MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Oil Spill Condom, Round 2

The "top hat" oil containment device has reached the sea floor in the Gulf of Mexico and should be in position over a leaking well head and operational by the end of the week, BP said Wednesday.

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said the success of this latest attempt to cap the well could be known in the next few days.

BP built the smaller "top hat" dome after a larger vessel developed glitches Saturday."On this Thursday, we should know whether or not this alternative top hat cofferdam is going to work," Salazar said on CNN's "The Situation Room." "And then the next key date is Saturday, because by Saturday they will have the diagnostics completed through X-rays and gamma rays and pressure ratings to be able to make decisions about what the next steps are." CNN

BP is planning to attempt a second covering of the well this week. At least this time they sound a little more prepared and I am a little more optimistic about the potential for condom #2. Apparently high winds have been pushing the oil more towards the north than towards the Loop Current so if this attempt to stem the flow of oil is successful then the prospects for an uninterrupted mini season are starting to look bright.

This condom wont stop the leak completely but at least it should make containing the spill more manageable. For now all we can do is keep our fingers crossed until tomorrow.

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