MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Oil Spill Could Reach Keys Within the Week

Nick Shay, a physical oceanographer at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, suspects that oil is already getting into the periphery of the Loop Current and will likely end up in the Keys "relatively quickly."

"Certainly within a week," Shay said. "It will impact coral reefs and fisheries and the ecosystem of the entire Florida Keys."

And that has some Keys residents starting to worry.

"I am not going to lie and say we haven't been discussing it amongst ourselves. But it doesn't seem like there is a whole lot we can do about it here. We are so utterly helpless," said Luke Abbey, an employee at Subtropic Dive Center in Key West. "Our money is made on the water. So, if there is an oil slick on the water, there is no diving."

He said there are three sports in Key West: "Drinking, fishing and diving. In that order. The only thing that is not going to be affected is drinking." Bloomberg Buisnessweek

So it doesn't look like the oil is going to be contained anywhere near in time for mini season. If that means no diving then that basically means no mini season, but I am not abandoning all hope just yet. As a backup plan I may have to start working on my bullynetting skills, because we all know how well that turned out last time.


  1. I have heard various theories espoused attempting to explain the unexplainable cause of the oil spill. "An act of God" - Rick Perry, Gov. Texas. "Natural Causes" - Rush Limbaugh, Jack Ass. To date, and as reflected by the afore bewildering explanations, the cause remains a mystery. Allow me to proffer the following, thus far unspoken theory on what really caused the oil spill: Could the the Ghost Lobster have sabotaged the installation of the ill-fated drilling rig such that it would explode and spew enough oil into the gulf thereby floating an innocuous slick down to the Keys that, while harmless to its brethren below the surface, nevertheless forces the cancellation of our beloved mini and lobster season? Friends, I do not know the answer. But what I do know is this: The Ghost Lobster is capable of such a feat. The Ghost Lobster is certainly diabolical enough. And, true to form, the Ghost Lobster would leave no trail.

  2. I'm sorry friends the oceans are toast.
    Just don't let your kids drink it.
    After they "clean" the water its going through the ecosystem again, it is inevitable.
    This is poison on a massive scale.. likely the worst man-made ecological disaster of all time.

  3. Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!

    oil spill clean up ma
