MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Thursday, March 18, 2010


Out in the Open

Free diving or on a tank the basics of how to catch the lobster are fairly similar. For now we will just talk about the basics, an open water uncovered lobster Catch. Like most people our preferred method is with a net and a tickle stick. No, we aren't talking about your mom's tickle stick but something that looks more like this:

It should be noted that while you will occasionally come across one just walking on the ground, more than likely you will only find an uncovered lobster at night when they walk, or near a bunch of miniseason newbies that are scattering lobster all over the place in their attempt to catch dinner. It is also important to understand that lobsters swim backwards and are extremely quick:

Once you have found your bug just follow these steps:

  1. Approach the lobster carefully as it is already probably spooked from its prior encounter. If you accidentally touch it before you are ready it will take off, never to be seen again.
  2. Armed with your Net and stick place the net behind the lobsters tail.
  3. Slowly created as small as an angle as possible between all areas of the net and the ground (slowly lowering it over the lobster).
  4. Quickly push the entire net against the ground and at the same time slide your tickle stick from the handle of your net to the back, effectively forcing the lobster into the back of the net.
  5. While you still have the tickle stick pressing against the ground keeping the lobster pinned in the back of the net release the nets handle and grab the lobster with your hand (while it is still in the net)
  6. Surface and catch your breath.
        This technique will work regardless if you are on a tank or free diving. Always keep in mind that lobsters are extremely sneaky and quick under water and can pretty much get out of anything.

        There aer a few mistakes people make all the time while catching bugs. Swimming to the surface just holding the nets handle is one of them. Another huge mistake is grabbing the lobster by the antennae. They will break almost immediately and the lobster will get away, and NO lobster do NOT regenerate their antennae. Finally, make sure you have no holes in your net. It sounds simple, but a lobster will almost always find the smallest hole and escape.

        Follow those 6 simple steps and you should have flawless lobster catching execution.

        1 comment:

        1. You are right, those bastards are sneaky. I've had to chase down quite a few just like in that video. Unfortunately I can't blame that on holes in my net, just my lack of lobster catching ability.
