MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Friday, December 31, 2010


Tickle Stick [ti-kəl stik]
- Noun

1. A long skinny rod typically made of metal or fiberglass used to coax lobsters out from underneath rocks, ledges and holes. A lobsterman's main weapon in the fight against the bugs.

Example: I dropped my tickle stick when the lobster almost escaped from my net.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Oregon Man Steals the Name "Captain Awesome"

Douglas Allen Smith Jr. says he changed his name to Captain Awesome last month because he was inspired by the nickname of a character on the NBC television show "Chuck" — Dr. Devon "Captain Awesome" Woodcomb.

The unemployed Eugene cabinet installer says he found it funny Woodcomb's father gave him that nickname because a "poor nickname builds good character."

The former Mr. Smith says he faced a Lane County judge who questioned his seriousness. The judge that granted the request made him swear he wasn't changing his name for fraudulent reasons.

Awesome says that judge also allowed him to sign his name as a right arrow, a smiley face and a left arrow.

He says his bank, however, has refused to accept the signature because it could be forged too easily. SF Chronicle

If you are wondering who that asshole in the picture is, its apparently the fake "Captain Awesome" number one, from the TV Show "Chuck." Yeah I know, I've never seen it either.

I'm not sure if I am more pissed that the "Chuck" writers obviously read our blog and straight stole our shit, or that this guy is giving them the credit for this nickname, or that we didn't drunkenly decide to legally change John's name to Captain Awesome before this jerk-off did.

As much as I refuse to believe that anyone who regularly watches "Chuck" deserves the name Captain Awesome, his signature idea is pretty boss. Screw his local bank, when is the last time anyone at a bank ever actually matched up signatures on anything. I could sign my name with a drawing of a dick and no one would notice... in fact I know I could, Sack does it all the time.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Flogging Molly - Seven Deadly Sins