MINISEASON 2011 - JULY 27 and 28
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


With just over three months left until Mini Season 2010, I can only imagine that the hotels and home rentals in the Keys are starting to book up fast.

Don't get left out, remember this is one of the most heavily trafficked times in the Keys and if you want the best accommodations for your group then you need to do your research and you need to do it yesterday.

I know that we had to put a down payment on our place a few months back in order to reserve it. However, if I had been in charge we still wouldn't have a place locked up so for those of you slackers out there like me this is a friendly reminder to get moving.

While I have never actually booked our accommodations, these are a few things I have learned over the years staying in various different places that you may want to keep in mind:

1. Make sure there is A/C (there is nothing worse then trying to fall asleep in the summertime humidity of the Keys with no air conditioning)

2. If you have a boat ask about where you can dock up, preferably right at the house or at least somewhere close by (driving to and from the boat with gear is not much fun, especially at 6 in the morning for that first dive)

3. People prefer beds over couches, the more beds the better (if there are not enough beds for everyone get there early enough to call dibs on one)

4. Houses are superior to hotels (while hotels can be cheaper, if you can spend the few extra bucks to upgrade to a house there is no reason not to, there are lots of perks to houses including big kitchens, docks, and places to clean the bugs)

5. If you find a place you like stick with it (chances are your group dynamic isn't going to change dramatically year to year so once you find somewhere you like check there first and save yourself some time and effort)

6. Make sure there is a large freezer (don't forget that you will need to keep those lobster tails frozen for the time you are there and often hotel rooms only have small refrigerators incapable of storing all your catch)

Good luck everyone and if you have any other tips for fellow lobster hunters looking for a place to stay feel free to post them in the comments.

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